About Button

Doc : daisyui button

Buttons allows user to take actions or make choices.

Class name Type
btn Component Button
btn-neutral Modifier Button with neutral color
btn-primary Modifier Button with primary color
btn-secondary Modifier Button with secondary color
btn-accent Modifier Button with accent color
btn-info Modifier Button with info color
btn-success Modifier Button with success color
btn-warning Modifier Button with warning color
btn-error Modifier Button with error color
btn-ghost Modifier Button with ghost style
btn-link Modifier Button styled as a link
btn-outline Modifier Transparent Button with colored border
btn-active Modifier Force button to show active state
btn-disabled Modifier Force button to show disabled state
glass Modifier Button with a glass effect
no-animation Modifier Disables click animation
btn-lg Responsive Large button
btn-md Responsive Medium button (default)
btn-sm Responsive Small button
btn-xs Responsive Extra small button
btn-wide Responsive Wide button (more horizontal padding)
btn-block Responsive Full width button
btn-circle Responsive Circle button with a 1:1 ratio
btn-square Responsive Square button with a 1:1 ratio

/!\ Deprecated

Button group daisyUI >= 3, use join